Mego released three military apes from the Planet of the Apes franchise: a generic Soldier Ape, General Ursus (non-helmet), and General Urko (helmet).
The Soldier Ape was sold on a Type 1 and Type 2 body, with gloves or cuffs, with clothes made of smooth or textured material, and in a variety of colors (navy, blue, silver, maroon, and burgundy).
Prototype/Test Sample Soldier Ape
In 2017, I purchased this rare 1974 prototype/early test sample soldier ape action figure made by Mego for the 8” Planet of the Apes line.
Pictured Above: Prototype Soldier Ape (Left) and Production Soldier Ape (Right)
The prototype head is cast in a light tan-colored vinyl (the same color as Cornelius) instead of brown, and the eyes, eyebrows, and hair are hand-painted brown instead of black.
Pictured Above: Prototype head (left) next to production head (right)
The prototype bandolier is made of navy fabric with maroon pouches. The bandolier is too long to have been made from another tunic, indicating it was cut from a bolt of fabric.
Pictured Above: Prototype cloth bandolier (top) and production plastic bandolier (top)
The figure was found in Wake Forest, North Carolina. It was listed on eBay by the original owner in a generic lot of figures in 2017. The seller had no idea what it was and said he purchased it back in the 1970's “as a kid at a flea market in Raleigh.”
Pictured Above: Original auction photos
Recognizing its significance, the buyer of the auction relisted it on eBay with better photos and an appropriate description. I was the lucky winner of the second auction.
Pictured Above: Relisted auction photos
The figure is on a regular T1 Mego body instead of a brown ape body, and the tunic has an original paper Mego tag sewn inside.
Pictured Above: Original and relisted auction photos
The figure (or identical prototype/test sample) is pictured on the Mego Planet of the Apes Treehouse box, on the Village playset box, in the 1974 Toy Fair dealer catalog, and in the 1974 mini insert catalog.
Pictured Above: Planet of the Apes Treehouse Box
Pictured Above: Planet of the Apes Village Box
Pictured Above: 1974 Mego Toy Fair Dealer Catalog (Page 17)
Pictured Above: 1974 Mego Mini Insert Catalog
Only four prototype Mego soldier ape figures have been found, and only two of them (including mine) have the light tan face. The other tan face prototype soldier ape (which I do not own) was allegedly obtained from a former Mego executive. It is identical to mine except it has a maroon tunic/bandolier with navy pouches instead of a navy tunic/bandolier with maroon pouches.
Pictured Above: The Other Tan Face Prototype Soldier Ape
Type 1 Soldier Ape
Between 1974 and 1976, the soldier ape was available on a brown Type 1 Mego body with metal rivet joints. It can have gloves or cuffs in a variety of colors (navy, blue, maroon, and silver). The material can be smooth or textured ("lizard skin").
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Navy Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Blue Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Textured "Lizard Skin" Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Silver Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Maroon Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Soldier Ape was distributed in Japan by Bullmark in a large window box. The figure is a standard Type 1 figure with a navy gloved outfit.
Pictured Above: MIB Bullmark Soldier Ape
Pictured Above: Type 1 Soldier Ape with Navy Tunic and Cuffs on U.K. Bradgate Card (1974)
Type 2 Soldier Ape
Between 1976 and 1978, the soldier ape was available on a brown Type 2 Mego body with plastic joints. It can have cuffs or gloves in navy or burgundy.
Pictured Above: Type 2 Soldier Ape with Navy Tunic and Cuffs (1976)
Pictured Above: Type 2 Soldier Ape with Burgundy Tunic and Cuffs (1976)
Like the Soldier Ape, General Ursus was sold on a Type 1 and Type 2 body, with gloves or cuffs, with clothes made of smooth or textured material, and in a variety of colors (navy, blue, silver, maroon, and burgundy).
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Ursus with Navy Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Ursus with Blue Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Ursus with Textured "Lizard Skin" Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Ursus with Silver Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Ursus with Maroon Tunic and Gloves (1974)
Pictured Above: Type 2 General Ursus with Navy Tunic and Cuffs (1976)
The sleeves/pants on some Ursus figures from the UK can fade from brown to light blue.
Pictured Above: Type 2 General Ursus with Light Blue Sleeves/Pants
Pictured Above: Type 2 General Ursus with Burgundy Tunic and Cuffs (1976)
The second series of Planet of the Apes figures (Astronaut, Galen, General Ursus, and General Urko) were sold in a window box for a short period of time. The generals' names were mistakenly switched on the boxes (Ursus was called Urko, and vice versa).
Pictured Above: General Ursus ("Urko") in Original Window Box
Foreign Release
General Ursus was produced and sold by Mego distributor Cipsa in Mexico. Unlike his American counterpart, the Mexican General Ursus did not come with pants. His tunic and cuffs came in two different material: a matte/smooth material and a shiny "lizard skin" material.
Pictured Above: Cipsa General Ursus with Shiny "Lizard Skin" Tunic
Pictured Above: Cipsa General Ursus with Matte/Smooth Tunic
Pictured Above: Cipsa General Ursus (Left) and Mego General Ursus (Right)
The Cipsa generals came with unique rifles. Almost identical to the standard Planet of the Apes M-16, the Cipsa rifles lack detail on the grip.
Standard Rifle
Cipsa Rifle
General Urko was released on the Type 1 and Type 2 ape body.
Pictured Above: Type 1 General Urko
Pictured Above: Type 2 General Urko
General Urko's tunic/cuff color can range from mustard to brown.
Pictured Above: General Urko Mustard Cuff (Left) and Brown Cuff (Right)
Foreign Release
General Urko was produced and sold by Mego distributor Cipsa in Mexico. Unlike his American counterpart, the Mexican General Urko did not come with pants and his sleeves are orange instead of purple.
Pictured Above: Cipsa General Urko (Left) and Mego General Urko (Right)