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Popy Battle Cossack Front.png
Popy Kamen Rider 1 Front.png
Popy Batman Front.png
Popy Battle Japan Front.png
Popy Header.jpg
Japan Flag.jpg
Popy Ultraman Joe Front.png
Popy Kenowashi Front.png

Foreign toy manufacturer Popy released three of Mego's World's Greatest Super-Heroes 8" figures in Japan (Batman, Spider-Man, and Superman). The figures were sold in new colorful window boxes.

Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Batman (Left), Spider-Man (Middle), and Superman (Right)


Pictured Above: Type 2 Batman in Original Popy (Japan) Window Box


Popy Spider-Man Box.png

Pictured Above: Type 2 Spider-Man in Original Popy (Japan) Window Box


Popy expanded the line to include original characters from popular Japanese TV shows, including Ultraman, Kamen Rider, Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets), and Battle Fever. Sold only in Japan, these figures are hard to find, highly collectible, and expensive.

Pictured Above (From Left to Right): Popy (Japan) Batman, Spider-Man, Ken-Owashi, Ultra Seven, Ultraman, Ultraman Joe, Kamen Rider V3, Kamen Rider V1, Battle Japan, and Battle Cossack


Ken-Owashi Header.jpg

Popy released Ken-Owashi from the Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets) TV series.

Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Ken-Owashi (Front and Back)


Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Ken-Owashi Cape


Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Ken-Owashi without Cape


Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Ken-Owashi in Original Window Box


Ultraman Header.jpg

Popy released three characters from the Ultraman TV series: Ultraman, Ultra Seven, and Ultraman Joe.

Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Ultraman, Ultra Seven, and Ultraman Joe


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Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Ultraman in Original Window Box


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Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Ultra Seven in Original Window Box


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Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Ultraman Joe in Original Window Box


Kamen Rider Header.png

Popy released two characters from the Kamen Rider TV series: Kamen Rider V1 and Kamen Rider V3.

Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Kamen Rider V3 (Left) and Kamen Rider V1 (Right)


Popy Kamen Rider V3.png

Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Kamen Rider V3 in Original Window Box


Popy Kamen Rider V1.png

Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Kamen Rider V1 in Original Window Box


Battle Fever Header.jpg

Popy released four characters from the Battle Fever TV series: Battle Japan, Battle France, Battle Cossack (Russia), and Battle Kenya.

Battle Fever Group.png

Pictured Above: Popy (Japan) Battle Japan (Left) and Battle Cossack (Right)


Popy Battle Japan.png

Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Battle Japan in Original Window Box


Popy Battle Cossack.png

Pictured Above: MIB Popy (Japan) Battle Cossack (Russia) in Original Window Box


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